Initialize integration from the dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Integrations page
  2. Select Integrate now for the Greenhouse integration.
  3. You now have a Secret Key and Endpoint URL which is needed for the next step.

Create a Webhook using Secret Key

  1. Login to your Greenhouse account
  2. Navigate to the Web Hooks page
  3. Input the following details:
  • Name: anyname e.g greetai-webhook
  • URL: The endpoint url from the previous step
  • Secret Key: The secret key from the previous step
  • When: Select Candidate has submitted application
  1. Click `Create Web Hook

Generate API Key for GreetAI

  1. Navigate to the Dev Center page
  2. Click Create New API Key
  3. Input the following details:
  • API Type: Select Harvest API
  • Description: anything you want
  • Partners: Select Custom
  1. Click Manage Permissions and copy the API key, then paste it into a GreetAI.
  2. Select I have stored the API key in GreetAI and on the permissions page, select the following: Job Posts then save.

Test the integration